1. 研究內容:軟性太陽能電池 2. 學歷條件:材料、化工、化學、物理或相關領域國內外博士 3. 優先錄用具下列經歷者: (1) 有機無機材料 (2) 電子元件製程 4. 意者請email中英文履歷,中英文自傳及2封推薦信,suwf@ntu.edu.tw (台大林唯芳教授信箱) 5. Post-doctorial research opportunities in the Frontier Material Lab at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in National Taiwan University to carry out research in flexible solar cell. The applicant should have a Ph. D. degree in materials, chemical engineering, chemistry, physics or related field. The candidate with the proficiency in the material synthesis and/or electronic devices fabrication is preferred. For consideration, please arrange personal resume, autobiography and two letters of recommendation and send them to Prof. Su at suwf@ntu.edu.tw  